« See beyond my eyes, see beyond my smile:“ Anouchka Gwen’s new single „Slow“ describes the thrilling early stage of getting to know someone intimately. A soulful and dreamy ballad that aims to reassure the other person to open up and shed their fear: „no pressure, time doesn’t matter.“ With its minimalist array of guitar arpeggios, vocal harmonies and sparkly xylophone notes, „Slow“ is a warm and honest indie tune that lets Anouchka’s voice and personality shine through.
20.05.2023 Gannet | Basel
25.05.2023 Zum Hinteren Hecht | Winterthur
16.06.2023 B-Sides Festival | Luzern
29.06.2023 Openair St. Gallen
30.06.2023 Marina Bar | Basel
13.07.2023 Gurtenfestival | Bern
21.07.2023 Stimmen Festival | Riehen